Malika Orchids, Inc.
Bringing the beauty and fragrance of Hawaii to your store!
Phone: 808.963.6233, E-mail:

Hakalua, Hawaii


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Orchid Gifts

Below are samples of our "Orchid Gifts". We grow these plants to maturity and when the buds are starting to open we carefully groom them and insert them into the lovely baskets from the Orient. They are a beautiful addition to any office or home. We at Malika Orchids send them to our friends and loved ones on those special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving and New Years. We are sure your friends and family would be thrilled to receive one of these beautiful orchids on a special occasion. Or, maybe for no occasion at all. Just to say how much you appreciate them.

Delivered anywhere in the United States for $50. (Alaska: additional shipping charges may apply). See photos of samples below.